Know Your ‘Why Not’

We’ve all heard the line made famous by Simon Sinek: “Know your why.”

Basically, knowing your “why” is all about knowing your reason for being. Your purpose in life. Being in touch with those things that motivate us to achieve our goals.

Of course, we all need to know our “why.”

I also know it’s very helpful to know your “why not.”

Your “why not” comes from knowing someone who has achieved massive success in an area in which you would like to succeed, realizing they put their pants on the same way you do and saying to yourself, “If they can do it, why not me?”

Achieving begins with believing.

Knowing others who have achieved great success well enough to know they are mere mortals, just like you can be very empowering and create a sense of believing you can do it, too.

Here are three simple steps to knowing your “why not”:

1. Identify someone with massive success in an area in which you want to also succeed.

2. Ask to meet. Get to know them. Ask them about their struggles and doubts on their way to success.

3. Realize they are much more like you than you would have thought.

The more you get to know people with great successes, really know them, the more you will think, “if they can do it, why not me.”

That’s how to know your “why not.”

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